“Breath” by James Nestor

3 key takeaways in under 3 minutes 🎓

The author 🖋

James Nestor is an international bestselling author and award-winning science journalist who’s written for notable publications such as Scientific American, The New York Times and Outside Magazine.

He also hosts yearly breath retreat power weekends designed for learning various different breathing techniques.

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Key takeaways 🎓

1. Breathe through the nose

The nose is designed for breathing.

It filters, humidifies and warms up the air entering our lungs.

Nasal breathing also produces nitric oxide, which enhances oxygen absorption in the blood and improves our cardiovascular health, immune function, blood pressure and sleep.

2. The dangers of mouth breathing

Mouth breathing, especially over long periods, can have detrimental effects on our health.

It bypasses the body's natural defense mechanisms, making us more susceptible to infections and respiratory issues.

Nestor explains how it can also lead to feeling tired and other issues such as dental problems, sleep apnea and even changes in facial structure.

3. The power of breath control

Controlling the breath can influence our physical and mental states.

According to Nestor, breathing impacts everything - from how we feel now to how long we live.

Nestor shares various breathing techniques that he believes can improve many avenues of our life - make us feel more relaxed, give us more energy, help us focus, manage stress and improve athletic performance.

Closing thoughts 🧠

The book is a reminder that something as simple as breathing can have a profound impact on our health and well-being.

Through a mix of personal experimentation, historical research and scientific studies, Nestor aims to demonstrate the significance of proper breathing and offers practical techniques to improve our breathing habits.